Completed in 1650, Hasedera is the head temple of Buzen Shingon Buddhism, and a popular destination for sightseers and devotees alike at anytime of year. Nestling on the side of Ohatsuse mountain on the outskirts of Sakaurai city, Nara, Hasedera is also famous for the colourful flower gardens maintained within its precincts. Even now, in the coldest season, little pockets of colour are trying to break through the wintery landscape, and soon, the the plum blossom will be heralding the approach of spring.
The list of blooms that follow is quite considerable, but highlights are likely to be the cherry blossoms from the end of March through early April, and the peonies of late May. Rhododendrons and azaleas warn us of the onset of summer, and once the heat arrives, so does the oleander and crape myrtle.
In the cooling air, the changing colours of maple trees add splashes of red to rival the five-storey pagoda, once November arrives. But for now, in the cold, we have to make do with the promise of colour to come in Yamato's winter garden, and be assured that it's still worth a visit.