1) What are you really into at the moment ?
2) What is in your pockets?
3) Who is your hero?
4) If you were guaranteed the correct answer to one question,
what would you ask?
5) What is your favorite restaurant in Nara prefecture?
6) How would you spend a ¥100,000 gift voucher?
7) What is your ikigai ?
â—‰ kigai is a Japanese concept meaning "a reason for being". I
8) What is your strongest personal quality?
9) If you could witness any event, past, present or future,
what would it be?
10 ) What movie role do you wish you could have starred in?
11) What skill would you like to learn and master?
12) What super power would you chose?
13) What book would you give as a present?
14) What do you always sing at karaoke?
15) What is your current PC and mobile phone wallpaper?
16) If you could bring back one musician from the dead,
who would it be?
17) What advice would you give to your 10 year old self?
18) What is your ideal holiday?
19) What would you like to change about yourself?
20) If you could cross-breed 2 animals together, defying the
laws of nature, what would you create?

Connection to Nara: Born and raised in Nara City | Iwai Clinic of Internal Medicine Direcetor
Japan Boy Scouts Committe Memeber & Medical Team Chief | Nara Physicians Association Board Member
The Pride of Nara: We have more World Heritage Sites than any other prefecture in Japan.
Occupation: Iwai Clinic of Internal Medicine Direcetor
The Answers
I bounce back after a set back extremly quickly and I am very dexetrous
Behave by putting yourself in other peoples' shoes and think of their feelings
A human and a bird. I'd make a birdman that could fly freely in the sky because I'd love to be able to do that